Middle East crisis and the Palestinian problem? Shueisha Shinsho ...


_ China network _ Japanese Communist China is not able to take the ...

Middle East crisis and the Palestinian problem? Shueisha Shinsho ... Before the creation 0 anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, by summarizing the historical lessons of the West Asia North Africa situation upset in conjunction with their own consul experience at a deep level, and to adhere to the success experience of its own national governing more firmly at the same time , it is possible to obtain a clearer recognition of his face to the pressure and challenges. In the second, the Chinese Communist Party has always regarded as the most important mission of the consul countries development. West Asia North Africa situation upset of the essential cause of the development of the crisis, a crisis of the particular development model. On the other hand, and China is already government-driven market economic development model, heading the voluntary development of the road to suit their own national conditions, and raise the outcome of interest of the world. In the second, the Chinese Communist Party will strengthen the legality of his administration tirelessly with the times, and strengthen and expand the power base.

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